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Compostable Stickers
Compostable Stickers
Compostable Stickers

Compostable Stickers

Window Cling

Compostable Stickers

Rolls contain 250 stickers

**For quantities less than 250 stickers please contact your sales representative**
Compostable stickers that will fully compost.
  • 1.5in Diameter
  • These labels are not waterproof
  • These labels are not made with any PLA
  • They do tear
  • They are made from sustainably-sourced wood/paper fibers

Buy Now Order Samples
Compost Sticker - Square

Compostable Stickers - Tamper Evident

Rolls contain 250 stickers

**For quantities less than 250 stickers please contact your sales representative**
Compostable stickers that will fully compost.
  • 1x3in
  • These labels are not waterproof
  • These labels are not made with any PLA
  • They do tear
  • They are made from sustainably-sourced wood/paper fibers

Buy Now Order Samples