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Custom Shapes
Custom Shapes

Custom Shapes can fulfill your custom packaging and branding needs in ways that stock items just can't. Our experienced design team can help you create a tailor-made product to serve your food with flair. Here's how the process might go:

  1. Consultation - Our team will meet with you to better understand your goals and discover how we can develop a custom product that meets your business needs.*
  2. Sketch A product designer will hand draw some possible solutions, get your input and revise as necessary.
  3. Digital Model Working off the sketches, our designer will create a dimensionally accurate digital model.
  4. Physical model Using the computer renderings, we'll create a physical model using rapid prototyping technology to provide a real-life example of shape, size and user experience.
  5. Prototype Once the initial design is perfected, we'll create functional samples of your product out of the actual materials. At this stage we'll test for things like strength, lid-fit and leak resistance.
  6. Finished Product Once approved, we will begin production and deliver a custom package that helps you build your brand and satisfy your customers.

Click here to start a Custom Shape project!

* Please note that custom shape orders may have minimum volume requirements.