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GreenStripe® Cold Cup Lids
GreenStripe® Cold Cup Lids
GreenStripe® Renewable & Compostable Cold Cup Lid
These lids provide a renewable way to top your compostable cold cups and save resources without compromising performance. BPI-certified compostable.
  • Details
  • Benefits
  • Sales Tools
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Made from renewable resources
  • Made with PLA, a plant-based plastic
  • Meet ASTM standards for compostability

GreenStripe® Cold Cup Lids

GreenStripe® Cold Cup Flat Lid

7 & 10 oz. Flat Lid for PLA Cups

These flat lids are the perfect topper for our GreenStripe® cold cups.
  • Only fits 7 & 10 oz. GreenStripe® Cold Cups
  • Has an "X" punch for a straw in center of lid

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GreenStripe® Cold Cup Flat Lid
9-24 oz

Flat Lid for PLA Cups

These flat lids are a must for anyone serving cold drinks out of our GreenStripe® cold cups.
  • Fits 9-24 oz. GreenStripe® Cold Cups
  • Does not fit 7 or 10 oz. cups
  • Has a hole punch for a straw in center of lid

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GreenStripe® Flat Cold Cup Dome Lid
9-24 oz

Dome Lid for PLA Cups

For iced coffee drinks with whipped cream and other toppings, try our dome lid with straw hole.
  • Fits 9-24 oz. GreenStripe® Cold Cups
  • Does not fit 7 or 10 oz. cups
  • Has a hole for a straw in center of lid

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GreenStripe® Cold Cup Dome Lid - No Hole
9-24 oz

Dome Lid for PLA Cups - No Hole

Top off our GreenStripe® cold cups with this no hole dome lid designed to keep tasty toppings inside.
  • Fits 9-24 oz. GreenStripe® Cold Cups
  • Does not fit 7 or 10 oz. cups

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Renewable & Compostable Sip Lid, Fits 9-24oz Cold Cups
9-24 oz

Sip Lid for PLA Cups

Another innovative product...our cold cup sip lids help prevent spills and splashback.
  • Fits 9-24 oz. GreenStripe® Cold Cups
  • Does not fit 7 or 10 oz. cups

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32 oz. GreenStripe® Cold Cup Flat Lid
32 oz

Flat Lid for PLA Cups

Our 28 or 32 oz. "Green Gulp" cold cup needs this matching lid.
  • Fits 28 or 32 oz. GreenStripe® Cold Cups

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Flat Lid for Paper Cold Cups
12-22 oz.

Flat Lid for Paper Cold Cups

  • Made from renewable resources
  • Made with PLA, a plant-based plastic
  • Circle punch for straws
  • Fits 16 and 22 oz. Paper Cold Cups

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Flat PLA Sip Lid, Fits 16-22oz Paper Cold Cups, Renewable & Compostable

Flat PLA Sip Lid, Fits 16-22oz Paper Cold Cups, Renewable & Compostable

  • Made from PLA, a plant-based plastic
  • Fits paper cold cups universally available in the market

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