Warning: mysqli_result::fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be long, string given in /home/sites/ecoproducts.com/public_html/includes/db_mysqli.php on line 231
Empty recordset when try to retrieve field: 0
Bans & Mandates

Bans & Mandates

Navigating legislation regarding composting and recycling can be confusing. We've created these guides to help you comply with the bans and ordinances in your area. Questions? Just ask our Sustainability Maven at sustainabilitymaven@ecoproducts.com


California Organics
Ban Assistance


Connecticut Commercial
Organics Recycling Law


Massachusetts Commercial
Food Waste Ban


Minnesota Foodservice Packaging
Ordinance Assistance

New York

New York City Organics
Rules Assistance

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Commercial
Food Waste Ban


Vermont Commercial Orgaincs
Recycling Law