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Empty recordset when try to retrieve field: 0 Throw a Zero Waste Event
Interested in a zero waste event? Here are some tips:
Plan Ahead Planning is the key to successful zero waste events. If your event is small, then think about everything that you need and check out the Eco-Products store for great items that are compatible with zero waste events, like our compostable GreenStripe? line. Also, it is important to understand all the opportunities for waste generation at your event, places such as the kitchens, bathrooms, garbage bins, and food stations, for example are all areas where waste can be created.
Think Life Cycle You probably have a good idea who will be the life of your party, but what about the life of the food and foodservice items at your party? Where will you source all the stuff you need for your event? Sourcing zero-waste compatible items is essential, and that is what we are here to help you with. Compostable items from our GreenStripe® family of products are zero-waste compatible to help you with this task.
At the end of your products' useful lives, you must ensure that everything goes into the right container so it ends up in the compost. Think about creative ways to help with this important step, such as signs on "waste" bins, volunteers manually helping to sort waste, or help hauling those wastes to the right place. One of the most important parts of zero waste is determining how to efficiently get "clean" waste streams. Composters typically will not accept traditional, petroleum-derived plastics in compost streams. Similarly, organic materials can contaminate recycling streams. This means that unless you can get clean waste streams, you risk landfilling loads of compost or recycling that are too contaminated for your waste haulers.
If your event is larger, consider finding the event coordinator for help or reaching out to all the vendors and the waste haulers. Make sure as many of the products at the event are zero waste compatible (recyclable or compostable) and that waste haulers are on board with your plan.
Teach Your Crew One of the best things about events is gathering folks together. Its easier (and more fun) to have help implementing zero waste at your event. Many events use volunteers or staff to manage waste streams and coordinate with haulers to make sure things run smoothly.
Measure Your Progress Many waste haulers will charge tipping fees or have a detailed plan for how they charge for hauling waste. This is a great opportunity to engage them and get a detailed estimate of how much you compost or recycle. If your event is small, then things like keeping track of bins or bags of compost can give you a good idea of the volume of diverted waste. If you can determine how much waste you diverted, next year's event can be even better.
Encourage & Educate As You Go Find creative ways to engage event participants in zero waste. Some folks may not know what to do, so be patient. Remember, the more you can be positive about zero waste and show how easy sustainability can be when everyone participates, the higher likelihood of success you will have.
Good Luck!